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Suicide and Self Harm


We prohibit content that celebrates or promotes suicide or self-harm but allow discussions for sharing experiences, raising awareness, and seeking support.

Self-harm, including self-mutilation and eating disorders, must not be encouraged through content such as memes, illustrations, or graphic depictions. Content negatively targeting victims or survivors, or depicting real-time suicide or self-harm, is also prohibited. Content about recovery is allowed but creators must blur out potentially upsetting imagery.

For suicide or self-harm-related content, we may add notices directing viewers to local support organizations. If we detect immediate harm, we will contact local emergency services.

For live content, we will leave up live streams where users express suicidal intent in order to provide time for intervention. The longer you can keep an at-risk person talking, the more time available for friends and family to call emergency services. However, we will stop the live stream when threats become attempts and contact emergency services if a user is at immediate risk of self-harm.

What happens if you violate these standards?

Content may be labeled or removed, platform functionality may be restricted and for egregious violations, accounts may be banned. For more information see our page: Enforcement Approach

(error) What is in violation of these standards?

Any content that:

  1. Promotes, encourages, coordinates, or provides instructions for suicide, self-harm, eating disorders, or graphic self-harm imagery.

  2. Depicts a person who engaged in a suicide attempt or death by suicide.

  3. Focuses on the depiction of ribs, collarbones, thigh gaps, hips, concave stomachs, or protruding spines or scapulae alongside terms associated with eating disorders.

  4. Contains instructions for drastic and unhealthy weight loss accompanied by terms associated with eating disorders.

  5. Mocks victims or survivors of suicide, self-harm, or eating disorders who are publicly known or implied to have experienced such incidents.

(tick) What is not in violation of these standards?

Content is permissible if it:

  1. Depicts a dramatization for educational purposes without endorsing, supporting, or advocating harm.

  2. Is shared as part of news coverage.

  3. Is clearly provided for non-harmful purposes.

  4. Reports on or covers events of public importance without instructing or advocating for suicide or self-harm.

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